A popular anime and manga, The Rose of Versailles revolves around the story of a fictional character, Lady Oscar François de Jarjayes. She is the successor to her father, whom, having 6 daughters and no son, decided to raise his youngest as a man. She is a gifted warrior, and became the commander of the Royal Guard, responsible for the safety of France’s Royal Family and its Queen, Marie Antoinette.
One can tell right away that this is a cosplay of the beautiful Lady Oscar. Her hair, look, and costume is perfect for her, absolutely stunning..! She even rivals the beauty of the actress of the live action film, Lady Oscar’s Cartiona MacColl!
This image was originally from .:Oriental_Spaghetti:.’s Flickr Account.
Technorati tags: nanao, research, the rose of versailles, versailles, france, lady oscar françois de jarjayes, lady oscar, françois, jarjayes, cosplay, rose of versailles, cartiona maccoll, oriental spaghetti, flickr, marie antoinette, queen
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→The Rose of Versailles: Lady Oscar François de Jarjayes
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