Rozen Maiden Träumend: Barasuishou and Kirakishou

    rozen maiden Träumend cosplay - barasuishou and kirakishou The fake and the real Rozen Maiden… The girl with the siver hair and purple dress is Barasuishou, an apprentice’s attempt to surpass his Master’s work, namely the seventh Rozen Maiden, Kirakishou.

    Unfortunately, the anime doesn’t reveal much about the Kirakishou. Rozen Maiden Träumend focused more on the apprentice, and sadly, even though Barasuishou was able to attain all the Rosae Mysticae, her body could not contain them. She died in her “father’s” arms, the apprentice of the Master known as Enju.

    Beautiful cosplay and a brilliant shot! Thanks to Project GEOFRONT 9 for sharing the image!

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Rozen Maiden Träumend: Barasuishou and Kirakishou

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