Nagato Yuki is no ordinary first year high school student. At first, she is thought to have been an alien from another planet, since Haruhi classifies the 3 types of supernatural beings she wishes to meet as "Aliens", "Espers", and "Time Travelers". As the novel progresses, however, it is revealed that Yuki is an artificial human created by the Integrated Data Entity to investigate Suzumiya Haruhi.
Yuki has the ability to change her surroundings as she sees fit. She also deters any force that wishes to make Haruhi release her true powers in order to keep the universe from falling into nothingness.
Beautiful Yuki! I really love how the cosplayer portrayed her. How do you think she fairs against the first Yuki cosplayer?
Technorati Tags: cosplay, holic, cosplayer, melancholy, suzumiya, haruhi, nagato, yuki, first, year, high, school, student, alien, espers, time, traveler, novel, artificial, human, integrated, data, entity, surorundings, environment, nothingness, order, コスプレ, コスプレイ, 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱, 涼宮, ハルヒ, 長門, 有希, 情報統合思念体
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→The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi: Nagato Yuki 02
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